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Importance of Play for Children


Play, according to the United Nations, is one of the fundamental rights of every child.  It is through play that the child can learn about him/herself, interact with other children, as well as learn more about the world. Play opens a new window in the child’s mind hence creating a new world of possibilities.

We at the Edmonton Public Library recognize how important play is to children, a reason we have made it a key component in their daily lives.  Children will discover and learn new literacy skills as they go about playing in the field.  It’s however easy for children to forget all about play and especially when tasked with tons of homework and other extracurricular activities. Parents however have a responsibility to ensure their children get enough time to play at least once a day. Go and get your kid a sword from and watch their imagination run wild. Here are some of the reasons why children should be allowed to play.


1. It Builds the Child’s Creativity and Imagination

Children are known to create make-believe games and imitate adults while playing. As funny as it may seem to you, these simple acts help stretch the child’s imagination by creating complex narratives depending on the roles they play. This abstract way of thinking allows the child’s brain to develop.


2. Fosters Cognitive Growth

According to experts, play plays a crucial role in brain development. It is through play that the child can build confidence, proper communication, and intelligence. This is thanks to the positive effect of advanced neurological development in the brain among many other factors.


3. Behavioral and Emotional Benefits

Lack of play often leads to stress, anxiety, and irritability in children. Doctors and health experts however recommend allowing your children to go out and play at least once a day. Play is not only a form of exercise in children but also helps the child combat stress and anxiety. It also makes it easier for him/her to handle various forms of change and be able to adapt to a new environment easily.


4. It Facilitates Group Interaction

It goes without saying that, children will interact with their peers as they play. This introduces them to the world of socializing and cultural norms. This tests their ability to understand group behavior, relationships, as well as self-control. Some of these skills, when learned early, come in handy in the future when one is faced with various challenges in society. Play, therefore, forms the basis of group interaction.


5. Builds Independence

There are two types of play; group and solitary play. Group play involves playing as a group- this is essentially beneficial for it promotes creativity and the ability to co-exist with other people. Solitary play, on the other hand, involves a child playing alone. This is as important for it enables the child to observe others as they play and learn a few social cues from them. This gives them a stronger sense of independence and improved creativity.


6. Physical Fitness

As mentioned earlier, play is a form of exercise for children.  Their bodies are physically active as they go about their play, a factor that promotes good physical health and fitness.  It is also through play that children will learn to control various movements, sharpen reflexes, and develop greater balance. Other benefits of play include increased cardiovascular function, bone density, and reflexes.



Categorised in: Education, Lifestyle

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