Self-Publishing Channel about Learning and Technology

How can technology help children learn ?


When talking about the ways children can use technology, a summer tech camp is the first idea that comes to a parent’s mind. But technology can be used as a tool to help children learn easier. It’s understandable that you want to guide your children so they can use tech wisely because technology is everywhere and it is influencing multiple parts of their life. It affects how they play, how they live, and later in life, it will influence how they work.

Your role as a parent is to help your children balance life and technology, ensure that your little ones soak up in the benefits technology brings and are protected from the parts that can lead to excessive use.

Here is how your kids can use technology as a playing, learning and communication tool.


They have the possibility to connect with others

Technology is one of the few tools that can close distances, being they insignificant or great. Chatting, sharing photos or videos, or sharing learning tools are only some of the ways that bring people together. Your children can take advantage of tech to get in touch with other kids.

Technology can help them build connections and find out more about the world they are living in. You can encourage your children to use apps like Skype to connect with children worldwide and to find more about their culture. It will help them improve their communication skills.


They can use tech tools to do research and explore

You should allow your children to use a computer, tablet or mobile phone when they want to find more about a certain subject. For example, if they love animals, they can use a device connected to the internet to learn more about the topic. Now that tablets come at accessible prices, children don’t have to be stuck in front of the computer if they want to use it to learn more about a certain subject. They can take the tablet in the garden or park.

If your children are faster runners you could say, “You are running like a jaguar…I wonder what other animals can run fast. Would you like to find out together?” You can use the tablet to discover a top of the fastest runners in the world, this way your child will learn a piece of information they can use later. By discovering certain subjects from a young age, they can understand what they are passionate about, and they can even discover new hobbies.


They can use creative apps

One of the best ways to use technology in the advantage of the children is to discover the programs and apps that can support learning. Before giving your kids the tablet to soak in technology, you should look for apps that are designed to support deep learning. Keep on the tablet only child-friendly apps, remove the others, or use parental-control tools to restrict their access.

Before installing an app check if it implies deep learning or repetitive learning, it’s recommended children to use the first category because it helps them develop learning skills. Your kids should have access to apps that require them to create or build something or to solve a problem. Collage or drawing apps, and apps that ask them to practice writing are some of the best choices.

Children can use apps to learn a new language or skill, find out what new knowledge they would like to acquire and facilitate their access to it.


They can learn with the help of robotics

Robotics is one of the most effective ways to help children learn because they perceive it as playing. Depending on the type of devices you choose to introduce to your children, you can help them improve their skills or grow new ones. For example, bee-bots are an amazing way to help children learn how to navigate an app. They will definitely love to experiment with a tiny robot teaches them how to stay on track in a wood.


They can experiment with technology

Children can always see technology as something they can experiment with. Having access to technology from a young age can help them discover a passion for it. For example, if you are working in a company that develops software you can take your children to work on a day to show them how a certain system is developed. Who knows, maybe in the future they will grow passionate about it and they will have a unique idea on how to design an app.

If your children are using technology the right way, they will improve their creative expression, networking skills, perseverance, and empowerment. It sounds like you are raising a little entrepreneur. It will not take long before they will start looking for a company to send their software development rfp. It wouldn’t be the first time when a teenager or student is developing a successful system.

It all starts in a summer camp, they are discovering how to put together a keyboard, how to use a certain program, how to make devices work or how to program some simple apps, and then they are motivated to learn more about it. Nowadays we are living in an era when children write tech related books at 15 years, and are developing apps at 16.


Tech jobs will be in high demand

If you help your children get familiar with technology from a young age, you prepare them for the moment when they will search for a job. Tech positions are, and will definitely be in high demand, and if your children acquire the needed knowledge to use it, they have better chances to get a high-paying job.

Tech jobs are the reality they will jump into the moment they will graduate. They will be here tomorrow, and it’s better they to be equipped to fill the open positions. The ones who start learning now have greater chances to succeed.

The end of the blog and we haven’t mentioned the benefits of tech for children, like how video games can enhance their hand-eye coordination and reaction time. It means that technology brings only benefits to children.


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