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College Checklist: Resources That’ll Make Freshman Year a Success


Freshman year of college is time for socializing, learning, and being prepared for common college curveballs. You will need some resources to make your freshman year a success, so start planning now.


Organizational school supplies for class

Surviving the academic part of freshman year usually poses the largest challenge to new students. You will be faced with new forms of deadlines, tests, and quizzes. You will want to stay on top of schoolwork from the beginning to set a positive precedent for the rest of the year. One way to do this is to organize class supplies by color. This will give you the confidence that you won’t mix up notebooks or your custom pocket folders when rushing out the door to class.

Another thing that is different freshman year of college from how it was in high school is that you are held responsible. Your teachers won’t tell you exactly what you need on the first day of class. They usually expect you to read the syllabus and have everything with you and ready to go by then. This is where using your notebooks to make lists will come in handy. Also, now is a good time to start using a planner if you don’t already.


All the technological gadgets that will help you

Technology is a big thing in college. First of all, you need it to connect with your peers and stay in touch with new friends and old friends. You also are more likely to need advanced technology for classes now more than ever. Many teachers require top-notch software for things like video-editing, accounting or marketing automation. The new college curriculum involves learning how to use technology in the classroom and out of the classroom to make the world a better and smarter place. Get in touch with your teachers and see what kind of phones, tablets, and computers they recommend. This will be an investment you can make freshman year and use for the rest of college.

Technology is also important for social life. You’ll want to have a smartphone for downloading apps like WeChat or WhatsApp for studying abroad, as well as GroupMe for group projects. Making sure you have your screen fixed before freshman year will also make your life a lot easier. Google “where to fix an iPhone screen near me” if you need help in that department.


Cleaning supplies and extra linens

Cleaning might be the last thing on your mind when going into your freshman year of college. Believe it or not, college kids are a mess, and you will want to be prepared. You never know whether your roommate will be a slob or if the dorm bathrooms will be too disgusting to use. You will definitely want to bring cleaning supplies just in case. Start with some disinfecting wipes, sponges, a broom, a duster and some toilet cleaner. These will be enough to set you up for cleanliness. Next, you just have to cross your fingers that your roommate won’t leave takeout piling up in the trash.

You will most likely not have loads of time to do laundry during your freshman year of college. So make sure to pack extra sheets, towels and any other linens. You’ll feel a lot better being able to go to bed with clean sheets. You’ll thank yourself later for thinking ahead.

These are all great resources for your freshman year. Being comfortable and having the technology and tools to succeed will put you on the right path to a superb sophomore, junior and senior year.


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