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After the Classroom Careers to Pursue After Teaching


Teaching is a really wonderful and rewarding career. There is no job that can offer quite the same level or type of satisfaction as teaching can. As a teacher, you will be a part of shaping young people’s lives. You will have a unique opportunity to make a lasting difference and have a positive impact. It is by no means an easy profession to work in as teachers need to be completely dedicated to what they do in order to be able to withstand the inherent stresses and challenges of the job.


After the Classroom

A problem that many teachers have later in life is that they decide they wish to pursue a different career path, except they find that they have difficulty in doing so. This is usually because they don’t have many degrees or qualifications which they can fall back on. Teaching is a noble profession for sure, and the longer that teachers are teaching, the more experience they will gain. Unfortunately, many of the skills that set apart the best teachers are things that have limited value to other areas of employment.

If you are looking to get out of the classroom, the following career paths are the best ones to consider. We highly recommend that you have a look at Jobapplicationcenter.Com for guidance, regardless of which career you most like the sound of. You can never be too prepared for applying for work and attending an interview.


School Administrator

This is a role that makes a lot of sense for an experienced teacher. The majority of principles at the elementary, middle, and high school levels began their educational careers with teaching. Obviously, having first hand experience of working in the classroom and teaching kids will be very useful when taking on a role that requires you to take control of overall teaching operations.

This is an excellent career path to take for those who still want to be making a tangible difference to the lives of the students they teach. As a school administrator, you will be responsible for devising the overall policies and objectives of the school. This is done alongside other groups, such as the PTA, depending on which state you live in.


Educational Consultant

This is a job which has proven to be particularly popular amongst teachers who are now retired. Its popularity is due in large part to the fact that it is a job which offers flexibility in working hours. Many educational advisors do not work full time, lots of them work on a freelance basis and use the income that they make to supplement other, more regular revenue streams.



Many schools have their own libraries, which are managed by their own set of staff. This is a really lovely job for teachers who are the most passionate about, not only teaching students, but helping students to understand their potential. With previous experience as a teacher, you will be able to offer valuable insight into which books you should have, and what other materials should be available.

There are many potential jobs out there for ex-teachers. If you are retiring from teaching, you might want to consider freelance opportunities, such as tutoring, to make some extra cash.


Categorised in: Career Planning, Education

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