Self-Publishing Channel about Learning and Technology

9 Innovative Ways to Revolutionize Learning in the Workplace


Learning has always been a key part of how businesses grow at a successful rate. If you don’t train your employees the right way, you will likely see how this affects how you run your business. While many companies are still using traditional training methods, some prolific ones have modernized to include a broad range of new learning techniques, which help them with staff training. The main point to take note of is that while old training techniques do have their benefits, to keep up with the developing world of business, it is time to take a step forward with innovative ways to learn.


Ditch traditional training

The first thing you should do is move on from your conventional training techniques, where people come in for training sessions every few months and are required to learn vast amounts of information in one go. Not only do these methods take valuable time out of running the business, but they are not the most efficient way for employees to retain information. Without engaging ways to deliver the much-needed information, this could result in decreased motivation and a less motivated workforce. Once you realize that there are much more effective ways to train staff, you will be able to save your business time and money in the long run.


Use an online learning platform

As the world of business moves online, it is impossible not to include such training when staff are in the process of learning about new developments. Not only will they need to use specific software, but they will also need to understand the importance of using such technology in the workplace. Using an online platform to deliver training, from information to progress tracking, will ensure that you are able to have all the information that is needed in one place. Workers will be able to train at their own pace and will likely be more engaged if online games are used to convey the various critical information.


Break training up

Studies have shown that people are more susceptible to learning when they are presented with information in small, bite-size chunks, rather than having an overwhelming amount of training put on them in one go. Also, research proves the human brain can’t focus on its full potential for anywhere after 90 minutes. If you break up your training, you will be able to ensure that your staffs are more engaged in the training material, and also that it doesn’t take too much time out of the working day. In fact, with having such small snippets of information, they will likely be able to learn it as they work.


Make use of mobile apps

Utilising mobile devices are the best way of making learning bitesize. Mobile apps can ensure that employees can learn from the comfort of their equipment, that they can learn on the go, and that they can do it in their own time. A large percentage of the workforce is now made up of Millennials, with this number expected to increase to 75% of the workforce in 2025. After they will come to the iGeneration, who rely even more on technology. Providing workers with a sphere for working on that they are most familiar with will help make it seem as though it is less like training, and more like a fun learning exercise. There are numerous apps designed to help with this, which make learning mobile optimized.


Choose on-the-job training

A lot of traditional training is delivered in an ideal setting, where no amount of role-play exercises and simulations will help prepare employees for real-life situations. By carrying out training exercises as they are working, it introduces the competitive element to work, which makes workers more likely to want to do well and show how they have progressed. This method leads to a more engaged, efficient workplace, where training is a tool to give workers the practical application of the information they are learning.


Encourage team bonding

Often, the value of having a workplace that has bonded well is undermined by some business professionals. Having a happier, friendlier work environment encourages healthy competition, as well as making workers enjoy where their job more. Having an efficient training system should draw on the benefits of active teamwork, so team building exercises should not be left out of your program.


Think outside the box

When it comes to choosing the right team building games, you need to think outside the box. You can guarantee that many of your employees will have played into the more traditional team games, so to keep engagement high and stimulate their brains, this is a must. Sometimes, you may have to go outside the workplace to find the best activity, where you can discover phenomenons such as Escape Games to be the most beneficial. During a game such as this, people must work through a series of puzzles together to reach their ultimate goal- escape. Giving your team a break from the work setting to improve their team skills will help immeasurably in the long run.


Track progress

Ultimately, training is useless if you don’t know whether it is working to deliver the results you expect to see. This is where online learning platforms show their benefits of being able to track the performance of workers during training. Some even let you follow how effectively your entire workplace is learning. It also allows you to see who is working hard and hitting their goals.


Implement a rewards system

Though it is never right to place a monetary value on how well a person performs, it is well known that having a great rewards system encourages motivation in workers. You should be praising those who put the work in, as well as those who consistently hit targets. Whether this is by presenting them with an opportunity to win a chance to wear casual clothes to work, or to win a meal out, the possibilities you can have here are endless.



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