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How Technology Can Help Schools To Interact With Parents


One of the most important responsibilities that a school has is to maintain a good relationship with its parents. Otherwise, it will be extremely difficult for you to achieve your goals and provide the best level of education for your students. If you are hoping to improve the relationship that you have with your parents, you will need to embrace the benefits of technology. This will help you to speed up the communication process and engage with your audience in an innovative way. Below are four tips to get you started.


Websites Can Be Used To Attract Parents And Maintain Their Support

In this digital age, it is vital that all successful schools have a strong online presence. Otherwise, they could face being outdone by their competitors, and their enrolment numbers could pay the price. That is why educational institutions need to invest in their school websites. This is the ideal opportunity to interact with prospective parents and to maintain connections with existing ones. If you are aiming for a high-quality website that is easy to navigate, you should place your trust in PrimarySite. They will provide you with a website that you can take pride in. You can then use your website to share updates about your school and to promote your plans for the future.


A Comprehensive Email System Will Help To Resolve Problems

When it comes to dealing with parents, it is important that they feel respected and appreciated. That is why you should have a process in place to deal with any complaints, questions, or special requests. Luckily, technology can help you to achieve this. Firstly, you can set up an automatic email response system to ensure all of your messages are dealt with immediately. This is an especially useful way of dealing with out of hours contact. Then, you should set up a generic email template, as this will speed up the process of writing a more detailed response. You could also install a system that allows you to see when your email has been read and received. This will come in handy when dealing with parents who are dodging your calls or children who are failing to meet your deadlines.


Using Technology Will Help To Send The Right Message To Parents

Making the effort to engage with technology could also help your school to send the right message to parents. Instead of appearing outdated, you should position yourself as an innovative institution that is able to thrive in a digital world. Why not introduce iPads and tablets into your classrooms? What better way to excite your students and impress your parents? Working with technology will also help you to establish yourself as an environmentally friendly school, as you will be cutting down on the amount of paper that you are using.


Reliable Phones Can Help You To Deal With Emergency Situations

Finally, you can use technology to help you through emergency situations and to appease any worried parents. For instance, you could reassure parents that high-quality mobile phones are being taken on every school trip. This phone could be programmed with all of their emergency contact details on speed dial. It could also be filled with apps, such as Google Maps and First Aid Tutorials, which would come in handy if anything went wrong. You could also set up a system where parents can text in if their child is off sick. This will save your phone lines from being backed up and will make it easier for anyone who is struggling to balance a busy schedule.


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