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8 Benefits of Further Education in Business


Knowledge is power, especially when it come to business. The more you know, the more successful you can become. Furthering your education can help you achieve success in most industries, and business is no different. By furthering your education, you are opening up a whole new world of opportunities to progress and meet your ultimate career goals. If you are considering furthering your education in business, this is your sign to bite the bullet and get the ball rolling so you can advance in your career.


1. Landing a Promotion

If you are currently working for someone else, furthering your education shows your employer that you are invested and dedicated to learning and growing. Not only could your new knowledge and skills make you the perfect candidate for a higher role, but employers usually see it as a way of rewarding your efforts of investing in yourself. Sometimes, having a more advanced level of education is actually a requirement for the role, so without pursing further education, you wouldn’t even be considered. Taking it upon yourself to progress in your field makes you stand out against other candidates and looks impressive, giving you a much higher chance of landing that promotion.


2. Increasing Your Salary

Whether you have got the promotion or are starting out at a new company, having more education behind you often means you get an increase in salary as well. You may be offered a raise in your current job to match your skills, knowledge, and the work that you are able to competently complete there, or you may now qualify for higher paying roles in another company. While you often have to pay out for the education in the first place, you are investing in yourself; in the long run, you will be able to make back the money in no time.


3. Improving Your Marketability

Being able to put your further education on your CV is a huge selling point that potential employers are going to be drawn to. For some roles, the continued education is a requirement, but for those where it is not, you will exceed the minimum requirements and are revealing that you are committed to the role and in developing your skills. Being eager and willing to use your own time and finances to grow your knowledge base for professional reasons is a huge green flag for potential employers and greatly improves your marketability.


4. Becoming Your Own Boss

Business is about taking risks, continuing to grow, and working towards an ultimate goal. If you are dreaming of becoming your own boss and starting your own business, having extra education in the relevant feel may be an invaluable asset. The knowledge and skills you gain from this education might be the difference between you succeeding or failing when starting your own business. Knowing you have taken a course that is designed for people in business, and gives you all the necessary skills and abilities to begin your own journey into business may just be the confidence boost that you need to break away from working underneath someone else. You are then on track to becoming your own boss and starting a business that aligns with your morals, ideals and life goals. Build your courage, resilience, and abilities by furthering your education in business.


5. Developing Leadership Skills

If your life goal is to run your own company, you need to have the right leadership skills behind you to make it successful. There are some key skills that all successful business leaders possess, and many of them can be developed through furthering your education by taking a Doctor of Business Administration. Aston University offers an online dba that is specifically designed for future executives and business leaders, giving them the ability to solve complex business problems, understand the processes behind business management and be able to effectively lead a team of people. Some key traits of an effective business leader include core communication skills, the ability to motivate and encourage employees to work to the best of their ability, strong emotional intelligence that allows them to recognise and manage emotions in themselves and others, and being resilient to setbacks, adapting effectively when necessary.


6. Improved Lifestyle

If you land that promotion by furthering your education, chances are you get the paycheck that goes with it, giving you much more financial freedom than before. Maybe you’ve been wanting to buy that new car, have seen your dream house pop up on the market or are just able to live in a little bit more luxury than usual. This improved lifestyle is a great benefit of furthering your education in business. If you have taken the leap and started your own business, being your own boss is a lifestyle improvement in itself. Whilst there may be some ups and downs and times of struggle, in the end, you still have no one to answer to but yourself. You can choose your own hours, and eventually will have a team of strong individuals behind you so you can take some time to enjoy your success instead.


7. Personal Development

If you are completely satisfied with your career, job and financial situation, further education can still be beneficial to you. Learning should be continuous and stretch throughout your entire life. Committing yourself to furthering your education is a form of personal development and achievement. There will always be ways that you can use your new skills and knowledge to your advantage, even if it is just to get that sense of fulfillment and achievement.


8. Networking Opportunities

Even if your course is completely online, you will be in contact with other students and will often have to work alongside them on group projects. These are like-minded people and others that are striving for growth and success, and they may have some valuable perspectives and viewpoints. Listen, connect, and build relationships with your peers as they may turn out to be greatly beneficial further down the line.

If you are wanting to climb the career ladder and become a successful businessperson and start your own company, furthering your education in business is highly beneficial.



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Categorised in: Career Planning, Online Learning

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